Soulection Radio Show #609
Sunday, Sep 10, 2023
New, forgotten, and unheard tunes brought to you in one place.
Playing 51 tracks
New, forgotten, and unheard tunes brought to you in one place.
Playing 51 tracks
Playing 65 tracks
Playing 90 tracks across 7 sets
Soulection 3 Year pre-party Celebration!
Playing 67 tracks across 5 sets with an interview
Joe Kay & Kronika hold it down with gems randing from unreleased to forthcoming material, plus forgotten classics.
Playing 81 tracks across 3 sets with an interview
Talented & vibrant woman SOSUPERSAM finally came through the studio.
Playing 81 tracks across 4 sets with an interview
Joe Kay hits hard with 3 hours of HEAVY tracks on 1 hour of sleep
Playing 104 tracks