Appeared on these episodes:

Soulection Radio Show #519 (Golden Era of SoundCloud: 2008-2017 Pt. III)
Saturday, Aug 28, 2021
Vol. 3 - Joe goes through the classic beat era of 2008-2017.
Playing 56 tracks

Show #300
Saturday, Mar 11, 2017
A three-hour special celebrating Soulection’s 300th episode.
Playing 99 tracks

Show #206 w/ Chris McClenney & Da-P
Sunday, Feb 22, 2015
Playing 56 tracks across 2 sets with an interview

Show #157
Saturday, Dec 21, 2013
Joe Kay drops a 60 minute set of some stand out selects that he either just discovered, was holding onto, and rediscovered.
Playing 23 tracks