Soulection Radio Show #579
Sunday, Jan 22, 2023
Music from Monte Booker, Bryson Tiller, and Prescribe Da Vibe.
Playing 50 tracks
Music from Monte Booker, Bryson Tiller, and Prescribe Da Vibe.
Playing 50 tracks
Vol. 3 - Joe goes through the classic beat era of 2008-2017.
Playing 56 tracks
Smooth sounds from The Neptunes, Isaiah Rashad and Eli Escobar.
Playing 57 tracks
ESTA., The Whooligan and Joe Kay five you a special sonic experiance.
Playing 83 tracks across 4 sets with an interview
DJ Harrison thows down a crazy live improvised session with the SP-404 and MPC1000
Playing 78 tracks across 4 sets with an interview